Our Completed Projects

Time table contains most of completed projects that we did durning our work history
  • USAID – EDIP Project 2010-2011Developing The Roadmap For Trilateral – Public / Private / Academic Partnership For Economic Development

    Leading the development of a joint strategy and Roadmap for partnership between the Public, Private and Academic sectors in Palestine which included negotiation and meetings with all the related stakeholders
  • EUREP 2011-2012Social Protection in Palestine

    Assessment of the social protection in Palestine and identification of areas of interventions by the European Union for 2013 to 2016
  • GIZ 2011 - 2013Strategic Development and Institutional Building Project for ICC-Palestine

    Prepare a strategy and working plan, institution building, including operational procedures, manuals and organizational structure and human resource development for the ICC in addition to assisting in establishing five local commissions (Arbitration, Trade and Investment, Anti-Corruption, Electronic Business and Information Technology, and Banking)
  • EU/Friends of Earth – ME 2011 - 2012Economic Impact of Rehabilitation of Lower Jordan River

    Research and analyse the economic, political and social impact of the rehabilitation of the Lower Jordan Valley
  • Turkish Chamber of Commerce 2011Business Intelligence and Doing Business Environment Report

    Research and present the requirements, costs and incentives for doing business in Palestine
  • USAID 2011E-governance and Eservices

    Assessment to the Palestinian legal framework regarding E-governance and E-services
  • Paltrade /SIDA 2012Doing Business in Palestine Guide

    Preparing and technical editing of the Doing business guide in Palestine that was prepared by PalTrade and funded by SIDA
  • SIDA – UNIDO/UNCTAD 2012Mapping of The Trade Policy of Iraq

    To enhance the trade capacities and performance of the republic of Iraq and foster integration into the regional and multilateral trading system, upgrade the national quality infrastructure (standards, testing, metrology and conformity assessment) following international best practices for creating the enabling environment needed for better trade performance and consumer protection.
  • FOEME 2012 - 2014Integrated Trans-boundary regional NGO Master Plan for the Lower Jordan River Basin

    Prepare and publish a Palestinian Master plan for socio – economic development in the Lower Jordan River basin, including agriculture, industry, tourism and urban planning infrastructure, legal and regulatory framework and development projects. Core’s role was also to actively Participate in the creation of an Integrated Trans-boundary regional NGO Master Plan for the Lower Jordan River Basin.
  • EU/Paltrade 2012 - 2013Export Strategy for the Occupied Palestinian Territory/Functional team coordination: Access to Finance

    To provide initial assessment of the trade situation and trade development context in the occupied Palestinian territory, as well as the elaboration of strategic objectives and identification of sector and cross sector priorities. In addition, to support the NES team in elaborating individual sector and cross-sector functional strategies to be considered in the final NES document. NES design process included large consultation with stakeholders at the sector level so as to ensure the relevance of the sector strategies.
  • USAID/DAI 2012 - 2013Building the Awareness of The Private Sector to WTO Accession

    building the awareness of the private sector to international standards regarding the multilateral trading system and assessing the impact of implementation of these standards, specifically WTO standards, on the Palestinian economy in general on the on the 2 assessed sectors namely Pharmaceutical and Financial Sectors, which aims to increase the awareness and understanding of the private sector of the implications, benefits and mechanics of the Palestine’s WTO accession.
  • Friedrich Naumann Foundation 2012Building ICC - Palestine’s National Trade Investment Commission

    developing the Palestinian business community’s commercial capacities for foreign trade through raising awareness seminars, conferences, workshops, training and transfer knowledge, policies, rules and principles from the international Chamber of Commerce (ICC) to Palestine’s private sector. Moreover, the Project aims to establish the Trade and Investment commission that will act as a technical arm for the ICC in all issues related to Trade in Palestine.
  • EU 2012Diagnostic Study - Export Readiness and Potential of Services Priority Sectors in Palestine

    The project aims to build sustainable national capacity in both the government and the Palestinian private sector to realize business potential, and to successfully negotiate services-related trade agreement in the WTO, EuroMed, GAFTA and other contexts. Four services sub-sectors were identified as a primary, focus of the activities under this project: Tourism, business-related and professional services, financial services, information and communications technology (ICT) services.
  • The International Council of Swedish Industry (NIR) 2012 - 2013The Palestinian International Business Forum (PIBF) Annual Economic Report,

    The Palestine International Business Forum (PIBF) is a joint initiative by Palestinian, Swedish and Israeli business leaders that provides insight and acts to foster economic development in Palestine. Production and publication of an Annual Economic Report focusing on the Palestinian economy and its interrelations to international markets and internationalization through a macro-economic situation analysis of the Palestinian economy, including specifically issues relevant to international trade with all parties including Israel.
  • EU/Paltrade 2012Needs Assessment Study to Increase Capacities’ for Israeli –Palestinian Business Cooperation

    Increasing Capacities for Israeli-Palestinian Business Corporation”, to conduct a detailed Needs Analysis Study, whereas the information produced within the study will serve as a baseline for the needs and opportunities of cooperation and will identify
  • USAID/DAI 2012 - 2013Awareness Raising Among Private Sector and Mechanics of Palestine’s WTO Accession Other Stakeholders of Implications, Benefits and

    increase the awareness and understanding of private sector , the media, academia, and general public in Palestine of the implications, benefits and mechanics of the Country’s WTO accession. 1. Team building and conceptualization and development of materials. Conduct awareness building campaign: Palestine and the WTO for private sector, media and academia.
  • ADE Consultine /EU 2013Formulation of National Export Strategy for Yemen

    Preparation of the National Export Strategy for Yemen as a contribution to improve economic development in Yemen, within the context of current and prevailing strategies and policy documents. In addition, to ensure coherence of the proposed interventions with the prevalent strategic directions for the areas concerned as well as current/future support planned.
  • UNCTAD 2013Service and Administer a workshop/focus group on Facilitating Palestinian Trade - Dry Port & Bonded Warehouses

    bringing together Palestinian stakeholders including representatives from the private sector for joint discussions in the area of Palestinian trade with proper and professional intervention of the consultant. By preparing materials and moderating a workshop on Palestinian Trade.
  • UNCTAD 2013Study “Palestinian Control on Trade”

    Core Associates was contracted by UNCTAD to carry our research entitled “Palestinian Control on Trade” for the benefit of PSC to identify The optimum infrastructure by which a smooth flow of the Palestinian exports and imports can be achieved and where shipment delays and costs could be reduced, institutional requirements to support an efficient supply chain.
  • EU/Particip Co. 2014 - 2015EU PCNA/PDNA Gaza Damage Report

    Support the strategic planning productive sector of the DNA by ensuring the preparation, implementation and finalisation of results of the assessment using the approved methodology. Liaising with sector specialists from national authorities and other partners, supporting the EU involvement in the mission as required, maintaining constant exchange and coordination with the counterparts in the State of Palestine, the EU Delegation and EU PCNA/PDNA Coordination Support Office.
  • MEPI 2015 - 2017Palestine Trade Transaction Costs

    To study and analyze the current transaction costs paid by Palestinian traders. The project identified bottlenecks in the trading process faced by the Palestinian traders and implemented an advocacy policy that targeted the Israeli and Palestinian governments to reduce the cost on the Palestinian businesses
  • SIDA – OXFAM 2015 - 2016Developing Equitable agricultural production and market systems for Resilient Economic Development in the Occupied Palestinian Territory, Program Policy and influencing Strategy

    developed comparative influencing strategy that targets both the relevant policies of the Palestinian Authority and Government of Israel. Through consulting with key stakeholders in the agricultural sector and relevant Oxfam partners in both Gaza and West Bank in order to ensure their ideas shape the prioritization of focus areas for influencing worth.
  • EU 2015 - 2017Technical Assistance To PMO for Institutional Development & Enhancing EU-PA Bilateral Cooperation

    The purpose of the assignment under the ICB/IIMS programme is to define in methodological and advisory contribution for institutionalization of functions and roles at the PMO for effective and efficient management of the EU-PA Joint Committee and of the Joint, EU-PA Action Plan
  • EU 2015 - 2018Technical Assistance to Ministry of Agriculture

    Providing methodological and advisory contribution to MoA in order to enhance MoA capacity in planning, implementing, monitoring and management of the EU funded programmes [17 million Euro] supporting the development of the agricultural sector
  • UN Women 2016 - 2017Capacity Building and Policy Development Consultant on Gender Inclusion

    The project is a combination of two separate high-level activities, 1. Context analysis in the legal and policy areas regarding gender integration into economic activities and the Agricultural Sector 2. Training to Palestinian Government employees on integration of the gender approach into the MoA and MoNE Service Provision and 3.Developing 2 policy position papers and getting buy-in from relevant stakeholders to present to policy makers.
  • Palestinian Market Development Programme (DFID, and World Bank) 2016 - 2017Palestinian Private Sector Policy Coordination

    Reviewing and analysing the strategies of PIPA and Private Sector Coordination Council (PSCC) Organizations, facilitating and harmonization workshops and delivering a final report with clear recommendations on mandates and responsibilities of each organization.
  • DFID, and World Bank 2017 - 2018Capacity Building for Palestinian Investment Promotion Agency (PIPA) in Setting Policy Agenda and Targets

    Upgrading PIPA’s staff skills, through introducing the best practices for developing a policy agenda, identifying working priorities and investment sectors, and leading advocacy activities through real cases in priority sectors under review.
  • DFID, and World Bank 2018Building the Capacity of the International Joint Business Councils

    To provide the Palestinian Businessmen’s Association with international expertise in building the capacity and strategy of the Joint Business councils and formulate a 3 year action plan for implementation of the strategy.
  • SIDA/Oxfam 2018 - 2019Developing the Agricultural Insurance System in Palestine

    Research and providing technical assistance to the government and private sector in Palestine to develop the legal, regulatory, data and information collection and assessment and implementation of the pilot phase for creating 3 insurance products for the agricultural sector in Palestine, including greenhouse tomatoes, field table grapes and broiler chickens. Led a team of 7 international experts and 4 local experts in developing data bases, data collection, surveying, legal and regulatory analysis and drafting of regulations for establishing agricultural insurance in Palestine, as well as providing training for the staff of the Ministry of Agriculture (17 employees) and the Palestinian Agricultural Disaster Risk Reduction and Insurance Fund (24 employees) and the Capital Markets Authority on loss adjustment, risk assessment and product insurance term sheets.
  • SIDA/UNIDO 2018Training and Technical Assistance to League of Arab States on TBT and SPS measures and Notification

    Provide training and technical assistance to the League of Arab States on the requirements for food safety and implementation of the TBT and SPS agreements of the WTO, as well as prepare as assessment and text to include SPS agreement for the Greater Arab Free Trade Area to be adopted by the League of Arab States.
  • Danish Royal Embassy – Tel Aviv 2018 - 2020Creating a sustainable integrated start-up incubator/accelerator called Flow

    The project entrusted Core Associates with the process of establishment of Flow Incubator/Accelerator, through establishment of the premises for Flow, training of Flow team, Recruitment of Entrepreneurs, Incubation and acceleration processes, establishment of governance and operational manuals and procedures, legal registration and daily operations.
  • EU 2019Review of the EU Support to Economic Reforms in Jordan

    Review of documentation and conducting meetings with EU, Jordanian Government officials and the private sector to assess the economic impact of EU interventions on the reform process of the Jordanian government and make recommendations for future interventions