2011-2012 (EUREP)Social Protection in Palestine
Assessment of the social protection in Palestine and identification of areas of interventions by the European Union for 2013 to 2016
2016-2017 (UN Women)Gender Capacity Building and Policy Development Consultant
The project is a combination of two separate high-level activities, 1. Context analysis in the legal and policy areas regarding gender integration into economic activities and the Agricultural Sector 2. Training to Palestinian Government employees on integration of the gender approach into the MoA and MoNE Service Provision and 3.Developing 2 policy position papers and getting buy-in from relevant stakeholders to present to policy makers
2014-2015 (EU/Particip Co.)EU PCNA/PDNA Gaza Damage Report
Support the strategic planning productive sector of the DNA by ensuring the preparation, implementation and finalisation of results of the assessment using the approved methodology. Liaising with sector specialists from national authorities and other partners, supporting the EU involvement in the mission as required, maintaining constant exchange and coordination with the counterparts in the State of Palestine, the EU Delegation and EU PCNA/PDNA Coordination Support Office.